There is something so powerful about our homes. They are our place of refuge, a place to gather with friends and family, and they are a place where we should feel nourished.
The definition of nourish: "To provide with the food or other substances necessary for growth, health, and good condition."
Someone once said designers are like doctors in that we create spaces that contribute to total health and well-being. While I think that's QUITE a stretch, I understand how impactful our homes are to our overall health and 'good condition'.
This is why I am passionate about designing beautiful functional spaces that are custom fit to my clients: whether you love to entertain in your home, you work from it, and or play and retreat in it, it should give you JOY.
My goal is to always make beautiful and functional spaces; I want you to feel nourished from your home and for your home to be your favorite place to BE.
I'm not affirming that Meyer is trying to Mut 22 coins be fired so to be able to apply to take the USC job however, I'm certainly not suggesting that. Meyer will actually be coaching against the Titans this week, and one of them will definitely make a mistake for the second week in a row.
However, before we get to the picks a quick reminder that you can look up the weekly picks of every NFL expert by clicking here. But you don't necessarily have to check them out this week, as we've got more important stuff to discuss right this moment, such as the reasons why you should sign-up for the Pick Six newsletter that we…