Seems as if the clutter and decor has a way of multiplying when we're decorating our homes for Christmas. The regular things have to go somewhere, and the Christmas things take over for a few weeks.
I use this time of the year to try to purge. This goes for home and christmas decor. I thought I would share 4 storage solutions that are helpful in keeping our homes organized!
Do some purging: Do a bit of purging as you temporarily switch your home decor out for Christmas. Doing a drawer or a corner bit by bit makes it more attainable. I reccently purged some gently used coats that I will take to J. Crew as they host a coat drive this time of year.
Shoes: I liked this Braden Studio Modern Shoe Storage Cabinet because it stores 18 pairs of shoes. It hides the piles of shoes that too often take over our entryways, and you can add baskets to the top for additional storage.
Purses: Like shoes, purses can be difficult to store. I like this solution due to the purse size options you can hang and most of us have a spare door that can be utilized. At 4.99, The PerfectCurve Bag Rack is a wonderful solution!
Under the sink: Finding a solution for all the cleaning sprays and supplies can be a task, but I really like this caddy because of the pull out feature. I find if things are too far back, I forget they are there and therefore they don't get used or I buy extra. I know I'm amongst friends on this one.
Closet Organizer: If you're like me, sometimes the act of folding clothing can seem pointless because its hard to keep them folded. Cue the magnetic closet organizer! It's a solution with metal brackets that line the back of the closet wall, the folder tool makes tees and pants fit onto individual slides, then the slides stack on top of each other. This allows users to flip and pull at ease! *This info is adapted from this article - read by clicking on the link article link.
You can use the holidays to bring some order to your home with some of these easy storage solutions.